Vote for Basecamp at Dagsavisen People’s Travel Price

A Norwegian Newspaper Dagsavisen asks what is the Norwegian people’s favourite travel path, and they are launching the new award “People’s Travel Price”. To find the winner, Dagsavisen created a list of ten candidates that stand out from the crowd and Basecamp Explorer is one of the nominees.

The proposal describes Basecamp as a Norwegian travel company that facilitates two unique experiences in two very different places at Svalbard and in Masai Mara, Kenya. In Africa, the company has close cooperation with the Masai people to find the right ways to conserve nature and wildlife while strengthening the local community. In Svalbard, Basecamp has renovated an old radio- and trapper’s stations for unique accommodations. This summer you can join them on an eco-friendly sailing cruises, with a charming schooner. This is sustainability, high quality and world-class commitment to society!

Now, you as a traveller can for your favourite company, and it is also possible to propose your own favourites. The competition is arranged in cooperation with Reis, Travel News, the blog and FlightPark. Vote Now

Photo by Kirsti Ikonen
Photo by Knut Bry / Tinagent
Photo by Karin Beate Nøsterud / VG
Photo by Knut Bry / Tinagent

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